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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Čes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(6): 31-34.

Biodegradable stents in benign stenosis of the biliary tract

Jan Hajer  , Zdena Zádorová1, Eva Plíšková  

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Aim of the Study: Benign bile duct stenoses are poorly resolvable issues requiring a multidisciplinary approach. They may be asymptomatic, but most often manifest as painless resulting jaundice or associated with signs of cholangitis and liver abscess. The most common causes are due to iatrogenic stenosis as a result of surgery. So far, the only possibility of endoscopic therapy based on the guidelines of the Czech Society of Gastroenterology is multiple introduction of plastic stents. The first attempts to introduce biodegradable stents via the transhepatic route show very positive results. The aim of our study was to evaluate the possibility of a duodenal approach in the implementation of biodegradable stents in the biliary tract.

Methods: Endoscopic installation of biodegradable stent (SX-ELLA Stent DV-uncoated 10 x 60 mm) by using a motherscope (Olympus TJF-20 motherscope). The methodology is similar to standard ERCP.

Results and Conclusion: Self-expandable stents made of biodegradable materials might be a significant benefit in the treatment of benign stenoses of the digestive tract. The main disadvantage is the outer diameter of the boot system, which prevents the use of standard therapeutic duodenoscopes.


ERCP, biodegradable stent, chronic pancreatitis

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