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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Čes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(1): 12-21.

Multiple Gastrointestinal Cancers in the Czech Republic 1976-2005

Edvard Geryk  , Petr Dítě  1,2, Jiří Kozel  , Radim Štampach  , Petr Kubíček  

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The aim of the study: To describe multiple gastrointestinal cancers during 1976-2005.

Material and methods: Czech Cancer Registry recorded 355,624 of gastrointestinal (Gl) cancers, of which there were analysed primary and subsequent neoplasms by sites ICD-10: C15-C25 and C00-D48 in men and women.

Results: Total of 41,534 multiple cancers (56.6 % men, 43.4 % women) represented 12.1 % of all registered Gl cancers in men and 11.1 % in women. The primary 14,744 (35.5 %) Gl cancers followed 16,362 neoplasms, the subsequent 26,790 (64.5 %) Gl cancers preceded 31,519 neoplasms. The most frequent were multiple cancers of colon, rectosigmoideum and stomach, the higher were the subsequent cancers of pancreas. The number of primary Gl cancers increased till 1997, then decreased, of subsequent ones increased permanently. The most percentage cancers contributed the age groups 50-69 years in men and the age up to 49 years and more than 80 years in women. The average lenght between the primary and subsequent diseases was 6.1 years. The proportion of 31.2 % synchronous and 68.8 % metachronous cancers was 1:3.6 in men and 1:5 in women. The most frequent of 5,101 synchronous were cancers of other Gl 43.6%, urinary tract 13.7%, male genital organs 11.8% and respiratory tract 10.8% in men and cancers of other Gl 44.2%, female genital organs 13.8%, urinarytract9.8%and breast 8.1% in women. Gl cancers of the second diagnose sequence preceded the most frequent cancers of skin 38.1 %, cancers of other Gl 20.3 %, male genital organs 9.7 %, urinary 9.4 % and respiratory tract 8.2 % in men and cancers of skin 31.9%, female genital organs 18.5 %, cancers of other G115.7 %and breast 15.4% in women. From 14,744 primary Gl cancers died 11,433 (77.5%) and survived 3,311 (22.5%) cases, from 26,790 subsequent Gl cancers died 23,098 (86.2 %) and survived 3,692 (13.8 %) cases up to October 2007.

Conclusions: From nearly 1.5 million of all neoplasm sites in the Czech registry there were every the fifth Gl cancer associated with multiple neoplasm during 1976-2005.



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