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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(1): 54-57.

Duodenal metastasis of malignant melanoma as a rare cause of gastric outlet obstruction

Ludvík Straka  1

+ Affiliation


Malignancies of the small intestine are quite rare, whereas secondary tumours are more common. Malignant melanoma represents the most frequent secondary tumour in this location. We describe the case of a 58-year-old male with generalized malignant melanoma. Because of repeated vomiting he underwent upper endoscopy where a partial gastric outlet obstruction, due to a single metastasis of malignant melanoma in the first portion of duodenum, was found. The patient subsequently died from progression of the malignant disease. Autopsy confirmed multi-metastatic involvement of the small intestine. We discuss this issue thoroughly.


duodenum, neoplasm metastasis, small intestine

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