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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2014; 68(1): 14-18.

Infliximab does not increase the risk of early postoperative complications in UC patients after a three-stage restorative proctocolectomy with IPAA

Marta Kostrejová  1,2, Martin Bortlík  3,4,5, Milan Lukáš  3, Dana Ďuricová  3, Robert Mudr  6, Arnošt Komárek  7, Richard Sequens  8

+ Affiliation


Introduction and aim: Patients with ulcerative colitis (UC) treated with infliximab (IFX) preoperatively are theoretically at increased risk of complications after restorative proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA). The aim was to compare the occurrence of early postoperative complications among patients treated and not treated with IFX.

Methods: A retrospective analysis of different types of early postoperative complications in UC patients treated and not treated with IFX.

Results: Between January 2006 and December 2012,138 UC patients underwent surgical therapy. Of these patients, 108 had restorative proctocolectomy and IPAA. Forty-seven patients received IFX preoperatively (IFX group), while 61 did not receive any IFX (No-IFX group). In total, early complications occurred in 40.4% of patients in the IFX group, and in 44.3% in the No-IFX group. Using logistic regression analysis, no statistically significant difference was found in the occurrence of any particular type of both surgical and non-surgical complications.

Conclusion: We did not observe an increased occurrence of early postoperative complications in UC patients after a three-stage restorative proctocolectomy with IPAA.


infliximab, postoperative complications, ulcerative colitis

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