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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2011; 65(2): 65-69.

Recommended procedure for small bowel examination in patients with Crohn's disease

Luděk Hrdlička  1,2

+ Affiliation


Crohn's disease (CD) is a chronic, transmural and granulomatous inflammation of the small and (or) large bowel, which often leads to severe structural damage to the digestive tube, including fistulas, abscesses, perienteric or retroperitoneal infiltrations and bowel strictures. Imaging methods are used for the diagnosis, therapy response assessment and detection of disease complications. Currently, "the gold standard" are MR or CT enterography and ileocolonoscopy for small bowel and large bowel investigation, respectively. In patients with perianal disease, MR of the pelvic floor isthe most effective non-invasive procedure. Ultrasound evaluation of the small bowel, capsule endoscopy and enteroscopy represent other complementary methods. Described are major indications and efficacy in terms of sensitivity and specificity of imaging methods in clinical practice.


Crohn’s disease, small intestine

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