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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Čes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(1): 27-33.

The Diagnosis and Treatment of Globus Pharyngeus

Karol Zeleník  1, Pavel Komínek  2,3, Ivo Stárek  4, Evžen Machytka  5, Pavel Schwarz  1

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Globus pharyngeus is the subjective sensation of a lump, tightness or something stuck in the throat. In the past, this symptom was more frequently observed in patients with a tendency to hysterical behavior and therefore, it was called globus hystericus. Trying to explain its cause, many theories were gradually developed, which more or less successfully reveal the etiology of globus hystericus. Currently, the most widely considered causes of globus pharyngeus include extra-esophageal reflux, hypertensive upper esophageal sphincter, neurosis, goiter, allergy and tetany. The first goal of the clinical examination of patients with globus pharyngeus isto differentiate patients with the risk of potential malignant disease. The second goal isto identify the most likely cause of pure globus pharyngeus. This article aims to report an overview of up-to-date information about the diagnosis and treatment of this controversial symptom.


diagnosis, extraoesophageal reflux, treatment

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