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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2013; 67(2): 98-103.

Danis oesophageal stent in treatment of variceal bleeding

Tomáš Fejfar  1, Václav Šafka  , Václav Jirkovský  1, Petr Hůlek1,2

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Acute oesophagealvariceal bleeding is still a serious and life-threatening complication of symptomatic portal hypertension. Despite the current treatment with volume expansion, appropriate hemosubstitution, broad-spectrum antibiotics, vaso-active drugs and endoscopic treatment, it is still associated with high risk of failure and early relapse. Balloon tamponade or porto-systemic shunt creation are the potential salvage therapies. The use of a special coated self-expandable metal oesophageal stent as an alternative to balloon tamponade, or in cases of contraindications to portosystemic shunt creation, has been supported by more data in the last decade.


portal hypertension, therapy, variceal bleeding

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