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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2021; 75(2): 138– 142. doi:10.48095/ccgh2021138.

Assessment of renal function in patients with liver disease

Vladimír Teplan  1,2,3

+ Affiliation


Accurate measurement of renal function in serious liver disease is very important not only for the estimation of renal damage (chronic kidney disease – CKD), safe drug management, prediction of illness follow-up, intensive methods including hemodialysis, hemodiafiltration or hemoperfusion, but also for the indication of liver transplantation. All methods of renal function measurement using serum creatinine for the estimation of glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are not accurate: they overestimate the value of GFR; the worse the liver damage is, the higher the level of overestimation; predominantly due to decreased endogenous creatinine production (creatinine generation rate – CGR). Using of cystatin C for GFR in liver disease is mainly promising in acute kidney injury (AKI), but obtained results have not been defi nitive yet and need more relevant data from diff erent methods of GFR estimation.


kreatinin, chronic liver disease, chronic kidney disease, glomerulární filtrace, cystatin C

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