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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Čes a Slov Gastroent a Hepatol 2010; 64(5): 4-9.

Starostlivosť o pacientov s akútnou pankreatitídou v Slovenskej republike - prieskum

Martin Huťan  , Juraj Payer  1, Martin Huťan Jr.

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Design: To ascertain the extent of treatment provided to patients with acute pancreatitis in surgical departments across the Slovak Republic and to compare these results with those of the pan-European study.

Methods: 57 questionnaires were sent to surgical departments in Slovakia of which 34 were sent back filled in, i. e. a response-rate of 59.65%.

Results: The most frequent number of patients with acute pancreatitis treated at the departments ranged from 51 to 60 patients per year (this answer was chosen by 20.59% of involved departments). CRP (C-reactive protein) levels (85.29%) followed by clinical state assessment (79.41%) were the most commonly used stratification systems. Antibiotic prophylaxis and initial CT examination were applied by only 41.18% and 29.41% of the respondents, respectively. A lack of improvement in the patient's clinical state was considered an absolute indication for a repeated CT scan examination in all 34 of the involved departments. FNA (fine needle aspiration) to prove pancreatic necrosis infection was only performed by 11.76% of the surgical departments in the Slovak Republic. Surgical intervention was most frequently (in 76.47%) indicated in patients with organ dysfunction and sepsis symptoms, with 38.24% of departments seeing an optimal surgery time between day 15 and 21 after onset of the illness. As many as 44.12% of the respondents would treat a pancreatic abscess with surgical evacuation followed by the creation of a closed drainage system. Pancreatic necrosis would be dealt with identically by one-half of the departments.


acute pancreatitis

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