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a hepatologie

Gastroenterology and Hepatology

Gastroent Hepatol 2011; 65(2): 90-93.

Quantitative testing in colorectal cancer screening - a view of the near future

Jaroslava Tereza Kovářová  1

+ Affiliation


The author offers a systematic account of the new generation of quantitative immunochemical fecal occult blood tests, and outlines a scheme for their integration into the existing Czech program that screens for colorectal cancer. The characteristics of the quantitative immunochemical test (q-FIT) are described, as well as the types of the fecal occult test (FOBT), and their advantages and disadvantages, together with possible ways of the incorporating q-FIT into the colorectal cancer screening program in the Czech Republic. The inclusion of q-FIT in the Czech colorectal cancer screening program, combined with the existing primary screening colonoscopy, could make a contribution to effectiveness.


colorectal cancer, screening, screening, occult blood

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